Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Juliet - 1.30.2016

I suppose it is time to introduce our newest arrival!! Sweet little Juliet was born on January 30th at 9:38pm and we couldn't be more thrilled to have her here! She weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Basically the most perfect baby there ever was! She loves to eat, can belch with the best of them, and always has to have her hands on her face - which is actually something that I do as well.... it is strange the traits your children pick up from you. Jake and I have a daughter now! Sometimes we just look at each other in bewilderment and say, "We have a daughter.... and when someone asks us if we have kids we can actually say yes....". It is a weird feeling, but it is beautiful.

My water broke at home at 5:30 in the morning and we were admitted to the hospital at 7:30 that morning and stayed there for the long haul. The labor went pretty smoothly and there were no complications with the delivery. My mom was able to switch her flights around and made it in time to see Juliet be born. It was really amazing and we feel so blessed! 

With all that being said, having a baby is no joke. Being a mom is no joke. It is so hard. The emotional toll it takes was not something I was really prepared for. One moment that baby is safe and secure inside of you and the next they are out and you are responsible to take care of them FOREVER. It is heavy. In the hospital you feel more secure because you are surrounded by medical personnel who can answer any and all questions you have and can help you when you can't figure out why your baby is crying. 

Then you come home.

You have to adjust to having this new person in your life. You love them and are excited they are there but you are exhausted and so tired that you can't even remember who you are anymore. And the baby needs you. It is challenging. Thankfully there are people who help. My mom, dad, and husband were so supportive and helped me through my emotional first week. Then my parents left and my sister in law stepped in and helped me through the next week. How blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband, family, and friends to support me.

One of the most wonderful things about being a parent is the closeness of Heavenly Father that I can feel. He is right beside us helping us to raise this baby. Juliet is his daughter first and He loves her just like He loves Jacob and I and He wants us all to succeed. He has given us answers to prayers and brought thoughts into our minds on a regular basis. It is so amazing.

My other favorite thing about parenthood is being able to laugh at the funny and stressful things. For example, you just changed her diaper and then she pees all over the new one so you change that and then she pees all over herself OR she poops on the carpet OR she punches herself in the eye and starts to cry OR she makes funny faces in her sleep OR you finally get her down for a nap and then you knock into her bassinet and she wakes up. I could honestly go on and on. But being able to laugh at these blunders helps to keep the positivity going.

It is also ok to cry. Get it out and talk about how you are feeling. It is healthy to do that. Take time for yourself each day so you can feel like yourself and not just "mom". It really helps. I have gone out a few times to run quick errands and left Juliet with Jake and I drive with the windows down and turn my music up loud and sing. It is very therapeutic for me. I also do crossword puzzles each day to just take some time for myself. Be kind to yourself and cut yourself some slack. This is a hard but wonderful thing. Savor every moment because times goes by so fast!

Jacob and I are so grateful to have Juliet in our lives. She makes us so happy! We can't wait to watch her grow up and see the strong spirited girl she becomes!