Saturday, March 8, 2014


I had a reunion with my girlfriends that I hung out with in high school! We got together and had some dinner and talked and laughed all night. It was a blast! We hadn't all been together since my wedding, so..... over a year! It was time! One of our friends had just gotten engaged so it was fun to hear the story! She asked us all to be bridesmaids and then we rushed off to try on the dress she wanted us to buy! Here are some fun pictures!

This is the dress for the bridesmaids! The one without the dress is the Bride.
 Nat and Cass came to my Zumba class. I loved having them there!

Nic, Nat, Me, and Lex 

All 5 of us! It is crazy to see where we all are now. We have been graduated for 5 years almost. Two already graduated from college, the rest of us are this semester. One married and divorced, one married, and one getting married. So much has happened in our lives! It is crazy! I am still a little surprised that no one has moved away yet. Hopefully not!

After seeing the dress with stripes Nat decided that we looked like we escaped from a fancy prison and went with solid grey! haha! I think they will be adorable either way! Their wedding is going to be a blast!

February Date Night!

I gave Jake a package of dates - one already planned, and paid for, for each month of the year. February's date was one that I knew Jake would love! We had a nerf  gun war (which I won!) and then grabbed some pizza and watched a Bourne movie! We had a ton of fun. We moved our mattress out into the living room so we could watch the movie on the big screen from our bed. It was tons of fun! Also, our apartment is tiny and yet we still lost at least three nerf gun bullets.... Today we are going to clean the apartment really well, so hopefully we find them :)

Life is treating us well and we are so happy. Two more months left of school! Then a trip to Vegas and then off to Florida! YAY!!!