Thursday, February 20, 2014


Jake and I were sent some coupons from the local grocery store in the mail. There were coupons to get FREE things. Not buy one get one, but totally and completely free! How incredible. I was able to get some great things for only $18. The Lord is truly aware of our needs! I am feeling very blessed today!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

Yesterday was Valentine's Day! It was a great day for the Waites. We began the day by sleeping in (Jake had a late class and I usually go to work late on Fridays)! After our "responsibilities" were over we were able to play! Jake got me some treats attached with cute sayings and I got him a "date night package". This is just a pre-planned and pre-paid date for each month. It is a gift that keeps on giving :).

After our gift giving we went out to dinner to Rubio's, which is one of our favorite spots. You could say it is a family thing ;). We had some very delicious food! In fact, Jake loves their fish tacos and really only eats fish at Rubio's! After that we came home, moved our mattress out into the living room, and set up for the night! I made some Mud Cake or Hot Lava Cake, which ever you prefer, and we watched the Olympics and ate ourselves sick! It was a perfect evening! I love my valentine :)

Today we continued our celebrations by meeting up with some of my family to see the Sacred Gifts art exhibit at the BYU art museum. It was beautiful. It was interesting to read the captions and what the artists were trying to portray. Afterward we grabbed some lunch and headed over to the Women's Basketball game. There were lots of old friends there and it was fun to see them.

I love my life, my family, and my sweet Husband. Life is good!

Valentine's Day photo! 

Mud Cake YYUUMMM!!

Outside the Sacred Gifts exhibit

The Women's Basketball game

My cute husband sleeping this evening!