Meeting Aunt A for the first time! Instant love!
This was one of my favorite pictures of the entire trip! Aunt A gave Juliet to Uncle J and this is the look she gave to Aunt A! Hahahah! Love that silly little baby!
This picture won the "cutest picture of the week" award at the family reunion camp we were out! I was one proud mama! ADORABLE!
These two warm my heart. So much love between them!
Our matching shirts family picture!
Juliet loves this picture and will stare at her daddy when he is at work.
It is precious!
Love my little baby!
Family picture with the Utah W Family!
Family picture! Utah is so beautiful!
This is another favorite.
Juliet and Daddy spending their last few minutes together before daddy had to go back to work.
Bummerest day.
Grandpa destroying at horse shoes. He and Uncle R won the horse shoe tournament.
At the zoo with Uncle J. That is her cute umbrella that protected her from the sun.
Laughs with Aunt A and Uncle J. Contagious smiles anyone?
One beautiful girl!
This is M (the mommy) and A (the baby). M and I were roommates in college and our babies are one month apart. Juliet is the older one. The picture on the left was at my baby shower in November 2015 and the picture on the right was July 2016. So fun to recreate that fun picture! I sure do love M and her sweet family!
Goodbyes with Grandma
Goodbyes with Aunt T
Goodbyes with Grandpa
Goodbyes with Uncle B
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family to spend our time with! It is so fun to see Juliet be so loved by our family members - and we love to show her off! Til next time Utah!
love it!! so glad we got to see you for a little bit!!